Petts Hill Primary School


Petts Hill Primary – Our curriculum

Our learning community has pride in our curriculum and all that it stands for. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of each cohort of children in order to expand their cultural capital. We make sure each child has what they need to unlock their own potential. We place a particular emphasis on the importance of behaviour for learning, good manners, self-care and respect. The skills of communication, reading, writing and numeracy are taught explicitly and are woven throughout all we do. We use a marginal gains approach to improvement; we understand the power of small changes for the pursuit of excellence.

Our curriculum promotes creativity in the pathways to acquiring knowledge and skills and the school’s leaders encourage and empower a passion in staff to think and plan without constraints.  We ensure there’s a broad range of experiences to promote an understanding that there are a multitude of routes to success.

Our curriculum embodies compassion within its design. We believe that though acquiring knowledge and understanding of the difficulties and issues faced by the world and the people in it, our children can learn the power of compassion in solving them.  We strive for our curriculum to be fully inclusive and representative of our children. We are an anti-racist school and are working hard to decolonise and diversify our learning offer.

Our curriculum is built on enabling courage by giving tools to children to be ambitious and aspirational. We aim that all children have a belief in their future success and can recognise the talents within themselves. It is a priority for us that our children have the courage to stand up for what is right.

Our community of staff, children, families and governors collaborate to understand problems and discover shared solutions. Together we all know that what we do matters.