Petts Hill Primary School

Creative Curriculum

Creative Curriculum Intent 


We are very proud of our creative curriculum which covers the subject areas of history, geography, science, design technology, art & design and music.  Whilst we ensure the pupils gain a clear understanding of what skills and language are specific to each subject area, the learning is all linked to an overarching topic which draws elements of their learning together.  Whilst our pupils are aware of disciplinary specific content and knowledge, our curriculum ensures they can generalise and extrapolate their skills and ideas across contexts. This prepares them for a world where things rarely occur in isolation and interdisciplinary skills are so valuable on many chosen pathways. 


Our topics are covered on a two year rolling program meaning pairs of year groups can work together on a topic allowing greater opportunities for collaboration and creativity.  Each topic lasts for a full term, allowing many different subject disciplines to be woven in and for the children have a broad range of high quality learning experiences and time to develop skills in a meaningful way.  We link back to pupils’ prior learning and understanding, build from these starting points and allow opportunities for creative expression of their understanding within and at the end of each topic.  Each topic is driven by a series of enquiry questions which lead the pupils on a journey through their learning.  Over the course of the topic, skills and knowledge are built, extended and revisited to ensure our pupils know more, can do more and remember more by the end.  Pupils end the topic being confident to articulate their learning and the skills they have developed. 


We place high emphasis of practical, first hand experiences where possible to enrich our pupil’s cultural capital.  We explicitly use and teach key vocabulary across all areas of the curriculum in order to support our pupils in developing a wide vocabulary and being able to articulate their ideas; this is a key area of need for our pupils.  Reading and writing opportunities are woven through the topics to allow opportunities to pre-learn vocabulary and knowledge as well as use literacy skills in a range of contexts.  Key knowledge and skills are carefully mapped out to ensure that concepts are revisited, developed and sequenced appropriately. 


Our creative curriculum meets our overall curriculum aims and school values: 

Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of being part of local, national and global communities; express themselves, think and problem-solve creatively; develop compassion for others, and have the courage to aim high and desire to make a difference. They develop skills, knowledge, vocabulary and breadth of experience that unlocks doors and prepares them for their future.